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Competitive Play

A Grand Competition

Competitive Play events—also referred to as “Competitive-tier” events—are about creating a friendly, competitive, and fair environment where players of all sorts can test their skills against one another for a chance to earn some awesome prizes.  

During Season 0, the top placing finishers of each Competitive-tier event will automatically qualify for Day 2 of the Galactic Championship. If a player has already qualified for Day 2 of the Galactic Championship, then the invitation passes down to the next qualifying player without a Day 2 qualification.

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Planetary Qualifiers

Store-level events that are held each set, and the winner earns enough tournament points to be invited to the Galactic Championship. 

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Sector Qualifiers

Medium-sized Competitive-tier events that periodically occur throughout the OP season. Top-placing players all earn enough points to qualify for the Galactic Championship.

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Regional Qualifiers

Large-scale events that only happen a small number of times each year. These events award the most tournament points (and therefore the most invitations to the Galactic Championship). 

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Galactic Championship

The culmination of Competitive-tier Organized Play. The tournament is invitation-only, but all are welcome to come to the event and cheer on the best of the best.

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Find an Event Near You

Check out our Stores & Events page to find a Competitive-tier Organized Play event near you!